Thursday, January 17, 2013


You who have followed Melissa's progress to this place, thank you.  And the prayer warriors who have held Melissa, me and my family... Well you are superheroes in my book.  Thank you so much.

Melissa looks amazing this morning.  She's up, talking, eating, smiling and taking care of bathroom business.  Yes we are as excited about a successful poo as if she was two years old.  All hospital personnel say she's way ahead of the recovery curve.  Minimal drainage from the chest tubes mean they will probably be removed in just a few hours.  That should reduce her pain about 80% says the cardiologist.  She is enduring a good bit of pain at the moment, so she has her game face on.  But with each hour will come huge steps to her becoming a "free woman" again -- meaning un-tied by Iv's wires, drainage hoses and catheters.

Something I didn't mention about her surgery.  As planned, the surgical team stopped and cooled her heart to make all the repairs.  After the procedure it is customary to re-start the heart with electricity, just like heart attack patients.  Then it's common to need to re jolt it a time or two to get the rhythm right.  Doctor Khoynezhad said he was about to ask for the paddles when the heart just jumped back to life.  Perfect rhythm.  How like Melissa.  She doesn't tend to wait around for an invitation to do something.  If it's time to start beating, her heart is ready to get with it.  As Dr. K told the story I couldn't help feeling like Melissa's personality was coming through the second she was re-assembled.

1 comment:

  1. I just love to watch as God touches the lives of those we love. I'm so happy for Melissa's progress! I remember being where you and Karen are and the joy of each tube taken out. We continue to lift her om prayer to our great Physician as Melissa gains strenth and heals. Love you!
    Ernie and Donna
